36.2 Embedded Characteristics

  • Supported Memory Devices:
    • Low-power DDR1-SDRAM (LPDDR1)
    • Low-cost LPDDR1 with 2 internal banks
    • DDR2-SDRAM
    • Low-Power DDR2-SDRAM-S4 (LPDDR2)
    • Low-Power DDR3-SDRAM (LPDDR3)
    • DDR3-SDRAM (DLL Off mode)
    • DDR3L-SDRAM (DLL Off mode)
  • Arbitration Policies: Round-Robin, On Request, Bandwidth
  • 8 System Bus Interfaces; Management of all Accesses Maximizes Memory Bandwidth and Minimizes Transaction Latency
  • Bus Transfer: Dword, Word, Half Word, Byte Access
  • Supported Configurations:
    • 2K, 4K, 8K, 16K row address memory parts
    • DDR-SDRAM with two or four internal banks (low-power DDR1-SDRAM)
    • DDR-SDRAM with four or eight internal banks (DDR2-SDRAM/Low-Power DDR2-SDRAM-S4/DDR3-SDRAM/DDR3L-SDRAM/Low-power DDR3-SDRAM)
    • DDR-SDRAM with 16-bit or 32-bit data
    • One chip select for SDRAM device (512-Mbyte address space, 256-Mbyte address space with 16-bit data path)
  • Programming Facilities
    • Multibank ping-pong access (up to four or eight banks opened at the same time = reduced average latency of transactions)
    • Timing parameters specified by software
    • Automatic refresh operation, refresh rate is programmable
    • Automatic update of DS, TCR and PASR parameters (low-power DDR-SDRAM devices)
  • Energy-Saving Capabilities
    • Self-Refresh, Power-Down, Active Power-Down and Deep Power-Down modes supported
  • DDR-SDRAM Power-Up Initialization by Software
  • CAS Latency of 2, 3, 5 or 6 Supported
  • Reset Function Supported (DDR2-SDRAM)
  • Clock Frequency Change in Self-Refresh Mode Supported (Low-Power DDR-SDRAM/DDR3-SDRAM/DDR3L-SDRAM)
  • Auto-refresh per Bank Supported (Low-Power DDR2-SDRAM-S4/Low-Power DDR3-SDRAM)
  • Automatic Adjust Refresh Rate (Low-Power DDR2-SDRAM-S4/Low-Power DDR3-SDRAM)
  • Auto-precharge Command Not Used
  • OCD (Off-chip Driver) Mode, ODT (On-die Termination), Write leveling are Not Supported
  • Dynamic Scrambling with User Key (No Impact on Bandwidth)
  • Bus Monitor