22.8.6 Spurious Interrupt

The AIC features a protection against spurious interrupts. A spurious interrupt is defined as being the assertion of an interrupt source long enough for the AIC to assert the nIRQ, but no longer present when AIC_IVR is read. This is most prone to occur when:

  • An external interrupt source is programmed in Level-Sensitive mode and an active level occurs for only a short time.
  • An internal interrupt source is programmed in level-sensitive and the output signal of the corresponding embedded peripheral is activated for a short time (as is the case for the watchdog).
  • An interrupt occurs just a few cycles before the software begins to mask it, thus resulting in a pulse on the interrupt source.

The AIC detects a spurious interrupt at the time AIC_IVR is read while no enabled interrupt source is pending. When this happens, the AIC returns the value stored by the programmer in the Spurious Vector register (AIC_SPU). The programmer must store the address of a spurious interrupt handler in AIC_SPU as part of the application, to enable an as fast as possible return to the normal execution flow. This handler writes in AIC_EOICR and performs a return from interrupt.