66.6.1 Analog-to-Digital Conversion
Once the programmed startup time (ADC_MR.STARTUP) has elapsed, ADC conversions are sequenced by three operating times:
- Tracking time—the time for the ADC to charge its input sampling capacitor to the input voltage. When several channels are converted consecutively, the inherent tracking time is 6 ADC clock cycles. However, the tracking time can be increased using the TRACKTIM field in the Mode register (ADC_MR).
- ADC inherent conversion time—the time for the ADC to convert the sampled analog voltage. This time is constant and is defined from start of conversion to end of conversion.
- Channel conversion period—the effective time between the end of the
current channel conversion and the end of the next channel conversion.
Figure 66-2. Sequence of Consecutive ADC Conversions with TRACKTIM = 0 Figure 66-3. Sequence of Consecutive ADC Conversions with TRACKTIM = 15