Temperature Log Row

All values in this row were measured in the following conditions:

  • ADC Clock speed = 1MHz
  • ADC mode: Free running mode, ADC averaging mode with 4 averaged samples
  • ADC voltage reference = 1.0V internal reference (INT1V)
  • ADC input = Temperature sensor
    Table 32-36. Temperature Log Row Content
    Bit position Name Description
    7:0 ROOM_TEMP_VAL_INT Integer part of room temperature in °C
    11:8 ROOM_TEMP_VAL_DEC Decimal part of room temperature
    19:12 HOT_TEMP_VAL_INT Integer part of hot temperature in °C
    23:20 HOT_TEMP_VAL_DEC Decimal part of hot temperature
    31:24 ROOM_INT1V_VAL 2’s complement of the internal 1V reference drift at room temperature (versus a 1.0 centered value)
    39:32 HOT_INT1V_VAL 2’s complement of the internal 1V reference drift at hot temperature (versus a 1.0 centered value)
    51:40 ROOM_ADC_VAL 12-bit ADC conversion at room temperature
    63:52 HOT_ADC_VAL 12-bit ADC conversion at hot temperature

The temperature sensor values are logged during test production flow for Room and Hot insertions:

  • ROOM_TEMP_VAL_INT and ROOM_TEMP_VAL_DEC contains the measured temperature at room insertion (e.g. for ROOM_TEMP_VAL_INT=25 and ROOM_TEMP_VAL_DEC=2, the measured temperature at room insertion is 25.2°C).
  • HOT_TEMP_VAL_INT and HOT_TEMP_VAL_DEC contains the measured temperature at hot insertion (e.g. for HOT_TEMP_VAL_INT=83 and HOT_TEMP_VAL_DEC=3, the measured temperature at room insertion is 83.3°C).

The temperature log row also contains the corresponding 12-bit ADC conversions of both Room and Hot temperatures:

  • ROOM_ADC_VAL contains the 12-bit ADC value corresponding to (ROOM_TEMP_VAL_INT, ROOM_TEMP_VAL_DEC)
  • HOT_ADC_VAL contains the 12-bit ADC value corresponding to (HOT_TEMP_VAL_INT, HOT_TEMP_VAL_DEC)

The temperature log row also contains the corresponding 1V internal reference of both Room and Hot temperatures:

  • ROOM_INT1V_VAL is the 2’s complement of the internal 1V reference value corresponding to (ROOM_TEMP_VAL_INT, ROOM_TEMP_VAL_DEC)
  • HOT_INT1V_VAL is the 2’s complement of the internal 1V reference value corresponding to (HOT_TEMP_VAL_INT, HOT_TEMP_VAL_DEC)
  • ROOM_INT1V_VAL and HOT_INT1V_VAL values are centered around 1V with a 0.001V step. In other words, the range of values [0,127] corresponds to [1V, 0.873V] and the range of values [-1, -127] corresponds to [1.001V, 1.127V]. INT1V == 1 - (VAL/1000) is valid for both ranges.