4.2.1 Xplained Pro Standard Extension Headers
The ATtiny3217 Xplained Pro headers EXT1 and EXT3 offer access to the I/O of the microcontroller in order to expand the board, e.g., by connecting extensions to the board. These headers are based on the standard extension header specified in the table below. The headers have a pitch of 2.54 mm.
EXT1 Pin | ATtiny3217 Pin | Function | Shared Functionality |
1 [ID] | - | - | Communication line to the ID chip on an extension board |
2 [GND] | - | - | Ground |
3 [ADC(+)] | PA6 | AIN6 | QTouch Button 1 |
4 [ADC(-)] | PA7 | AIN7 | QTouch Button 2 |
5 [GPIO1] | PB7 | GPIO | - |
6 [GPIO2] | PB4 | GPIO | LED0 |
7 [PWM(+)] | PB0 | TC/W0 | - |
8 [PWM(-)] | PB1 | TC/W1 | - |
9 [IRQ/GPIO] | PA5 | IRQ/GPIO | - |
10 [SPI_SS_B/GPIO] | PA4 | GPIO | - |
11 [I²C_SDA] | PA1 | I²C SDA | EXT3 and EDBG I²C |
12 [I²C_SCL] | PA2 | I²C SCL | EXT3 and EDBG I²C |
13 [USART_RX] | PB3 | UART RX | EXT3, EDBG CDC, and Crystal (1) |
14 [USART_TX] | PB2 | UART TX | EXT3, EDBG CDC, and Crystal (1) |
15 [SPI_SS_A] | PC3 | SPI SS | - |
16 [SPI_MOSI] | PC2 | SPI MOSI | EXT3 and EDBG SPI |
17 [SPI_MISO] | PC1 | SPI MISO | EXT3 and EDBG SPI |
18 [SPI_SCK] | PC0 | SPI SCK | EXT3 and EDBG SPI |
19 [GND] | - | - | Ground |
20 [VCC] | - | - | Power for extension board |
1) Not connected by default, see Connecting the 32.768 kHz Crystal for more information.
Note: Signal functions in italic use
alternative pin location. These have to be configured in the PORTMUX register of the
EXT3 Pin | ATtiny3217 Pin | Function | Shared Functionality |
1 [ID] | - | - | Communication line to the ID chip on an extension board |
2 [GND] | - | - | Ground |
3 [ADC(+)] | - | - | |
4 [ADC(-)] | - | - | |
5 [GPIO1] | PC5 | GPIO | SW1 and UPDI debug connector |
6 [GPIO2] | - | - | |
7 [PWM(+)] | - | - | |
8 [PWM(-)] | - | - | |
10 [SPI_SS_B/GPIO] | PB5 | GPIO | SW0 and EDBG DGI |
11 [I²C_SDA] | PA1 | I²C SDA | EXT1 and EDBG I²C |
12 [I²C_SCL] | PA2 | I²C SCL | EXT1 and EDBG I²C |
13 [USART_RX] | PB3 | UART RX | EXT1, EDBG CDC, and Crystal (1) |
14 [USART_TX] | PB2 | UART TX | EXT1, EDBG CDC, and Crystal (1) |
15 [SPI_SS_A] | PA3 | GPIO / SPI_SS | - |
16 [SPI_MOSI] | PC2 | SPI MOSI | EXT1 and EDBG SPI |
17 [SPI_MISO] | PC1 | SPI MISO | EXT1 and EDBG SPI |
18 [SPI_SCK] | PC0 | SPI SCK | EXT1 and EDBG SPI |
19 [GND] | - | - | Ground |
20 [VCC] | - | - | Power for extension board |
1) Not connected by default, see Connecting the 32.768 kHz Crystal for more information.
Note: Signal functions in italic use
alternative pin location. These have to be configured in the PORTMUX register of the