2 <avr/eeprom.h>: EEPROM handling

This header file declares the interface to some simple library routines suitable for handling the data EEPROM contained in the AVR microcontrollers. The implementation uses a simple polled mode interface. Applications that require interrupt-controlled EEPROM access to ensure that no time will be wasted in spinloops will have to deploy their own implementation.

  • In addition to the write functions there is a set of update ones. This functions read each byte first and skip the burning if the old value is the same with new. The scaning direction is from high address to low, to obtain quick return in common cases.

  • All of the read/write functions first make sure the EEPROM is ready to be accessed. Since this may cause long delays if a write operation is still pending, time-critical applications should first poll the EEPROM e. g. using eeprom_is_ready() before attempting any actual I/O. But this functions are not wait until SELFPRGEN in SPMCSR becomes zero. Do this manually, if your softwate contains the Flash burning.

  • As these functions modify IO registers, they are known to be non-reentrant. If any of these functions are used from both, standard and interrupt context, the applications must ensure proper protection (e.g. by disabling interrupts before accessing them).

  • All write functions force erase_and_write programming mode.

  • For Xmega the EEPROM start address is 0, like other architectures. The reading functions add the 0x2000 value to use EEPROM mapping into data space.