Clock Source Settings

The filter, edge detector, and sequencer are, by default, clocked by the peripheral clock (CLK_PER). It is also possible to use other clock inputs (CLK_LUTn) to clock these blocks. This is configured by writing the Clock Source (CLKSRC) bits in the LUT Control A register.

Figure 29-11. Clock Source Settings

When the Clock Source (CLKSRC) bit is written to 0x1, LUTn-TRUTHSEL[2] is used to clock the corresponding filter and edge detector (CLK_LUTn). The sequencer is clocked by the CLK_LUTn of the even LUT in the pair. When CLKSRC is written to 0x1, LUTn-TRUTHSEL[2] is treated as OFF (low) in the TRUTH table.

The CCL peripheral must be disabled while changing the clock source to avoid undefined outputs from the peripheral.