2.2 Data Visualizer Run Time (DVRT) Library Overview

The MCC Melody Data Visualizer Run Time (DVRT) Library supports the the DVRT functionality of the MPLAB Data Visualizer on a host computer. The DVRT Library allows the user to "watch" and plot project variables at run time on the Data Visualizer plugin window.

2.2.2 How to use the Data Visualizer Run Time Library

Instructions common for all code snippets: DV Run Time Library Use Case Code Snippet Instructions
Note: MPLAB® Data Visualizer Training: These use cases assume basic knowledge of the Data Visualizer. For installation instructions and a more thorough introduction to the MPLAB Data Visualizer, see the following Microchip University course: Visual Debugging with MPLAB® Data Visualizer. DVRT Hello World: LED Toggle and Count Variables (Timer)
A LED is toggled after LED_period_ms (period of LED toggling in ms). LED_ON holds the state of the LED pin, meaning that when it is set on 0, an active low LED is on, and vice versa. Every 1 ms: DVRT_process( ) is called via a flag (msTick) set in the timer callback.
  • Count_msTicksSinceToggle is incremented up to toggle_ms, when LED_ON is toggled
  • Count_dvrtProcessCalls is incremented before calling the DVRT_process( ) DVRT Minimum Project

This is the minimum you'll need to add to your own project to use DVRT. The example can be verified by watching the DVCmdInterval_Counter, which is incremented within DVRT_process( ).

Table 2-9. Running the DV Run Time Use Cases
Running Use Case 1: DVRT Hello World: LED Toggle and Count Variables (Timer)
The Data Visualizer Run Time (DVRT) Streaming Table can be dragged down below the Time Plot. This makes it possible to see both the plot and the currently current numerical value of the variable.
Note: Double click into the value field, to enter a new variable value.

Running Use Case 2: DVRT Minimum Project

2.2.3 Data Visualizer Run Time Basics

The DVRT functionality on the MPLAB Data Visualizer, running on a host computer, is supported by an MCC Melody Library, communicating with the Data Visualizer via a UART connected to your computer's COM port.
Note: The COM Port may be via a USB/serial bridge, or available on a development board, such as on the Curiosity Nano platform.
The microcontroller (MCU) side is implemented by the MCC Melody DV Run Time Library, which uses a UART as a dependency.
Note: In the image below, the UART PLIB would be selected by clicking on the UART1 component, which is the UART driver.
Note: To see this Builder view, on the top left of the screen, click on reset to vertical layout icon. MCC Melody DVRT Library Configuration Options

See the image below for an overview of the configuration options of the MCC Melody component. The default configuration will work.
Note: The rest of the configuration options are optional, but the correct UART dependency must be selected (point 6).
  1. API Prefix: This text will be the prefix for all API associated with the DVRT.
  2. Number of Dynamic Variables: This number should by >= to the number of variables in the DVRT Streaming Table in the Data Visualizer. On the Data Visualizer side, this is configured by setting the number of Streaming Slots.
  3. Project FW Code: Can be used to distinguish between different projects. The data visualizer compares the Firmware Code read from the target, to an expected value. A warning is displayed if the values don't match.
    Note: The default value of the Project Firmware Code matches the Expected FM Code in the Data Visualizer.
    Note: This Project Firmware Code, is used in the DVRunTime_Config.h
  4. UART Software Transmit Buffer Size: Only a single byte is used by DVRT, so this can be configured based on user project requirements.
  5. UART Software Receive Buffer Size: Receive buffer for DVRT Frame, needs to fit largest command, i.e. UpdateVariablePtrTableCmd, which is 28 bytes by default, when NumVars = 8.
    Note: Frame calculation: Start_Byte + Cmd_Byte + NumVars_Byte + (NumVars * 3 Bytes) + End_Byte.
  6. UART Dependency Selection: Determine the UART instance connected to your computer's COM port, which could be a Virtual Serial Port (CDC). Check the board layout schematic on the MCU side to find the UART instance and the Device Manager for Windows or on a Mac terminal type ls /dev/tty.* to find which serial port the UART is connected to.
    Note: CDC refers to USB Communications Class Device
    Note: For Curiosity Nano boards, this is usually the UART instance connected to the debugger. Using USB-to-Serial bridges should also work. Here the Data Visualizer will automatically detect the COM port of the connected kit. DV Run Time Implementation

Responsibilities: MCU Side and HOST PC Side

The figure below shows how the DVRT works in the main Streaming mode. It is composed of two sides, an MCU side (DVRT_M) and a PC Host application (DVRT_H) communicating through a bi-directional UART protocol.
  1. MPLAB X IDE MCU Project is compiled and an .elf file produced.
  2. The .elf file is loaded in the data visualizer.
    Note: Note you must choose the debug or production version of the .elf, matching your compilation settings.
  3. A Parser script is used to generate a list of variables.
    Note: For volatile variables, this .elf file contains their name, address and type (length in bytes), i.e., at compile time, it is known where volatile variables will be located in the Microcontroller's RAM.
  4. DVRT Streaming Table is used to select variables of interest to watch at run time.
  5. As variables are selected, DVRT command UPDATE_VARIABLE_POINTER_TABLE is sent to the microcontroller to add these variables to a Dynamic Variables Pointer Monitor Table (DVPMT).
    Note: For each variable, this is the address of the variable in the MCU's RAM, and the number of bytes is saved.
  6. The values of variables are fetched from specific locations in RAM and the Dynamic Output Buffer now contains updated values of each variable in the DVRT Streaming Table.
  7. Data Output Buffer sent over UART to Data Visualizer.
  8. Variable values updated in the DVRT Streaming Table.

Data Stream Protocol Format

The DV Run Time at the lowest level implements the Data Stream protocol to send data to the Data Visualizer.

The Data Stream Format is processed in the same order as the variables specified in the Variable Streamer. All data must be given as little-endian values, meaning sending the lowest byte first. Additionally, the Data Streamer Protocol requires a start byte and an end byte which are the one's complement (~) of each other. For example, if the startByte is: 0b0000 0011, the endByte will be 0b1111 1100. This wrapper, consisting of one byte before and one byte after the data stream variables, is used by the interpreter to synchronize it to the data stream. The start byte can be arbitrary, but the end byte must be the inverse of the start byte.

Figure 2-2. Data Streamer

2.2.4 DV Run Time API Reference Module Documentation DV Run Time


Module description


This file contains the API prototypes for the dvruntime driver module.

Version: dvruntime Version 1.0.0.
Data structures
  • struct DVRT_interface_t

    Structure containing the function pointers to the DV Run Time driver APIs.

  • void DVRT_Initialize (void)

    Initializes the DVRT driver. Sets the variable values to their initial values and registers error callback functions for UART errors.

  • void DVRT_Process (void)

    Processes the DVRT driver. Checks the UART for incoming data and processes the data if it is available. It also checks for time-out conditions and triggers the periodic sending of data if required. Finally, it executes one-shot readings and ping commands.

Function Documentation

void DVRT_Initialize (void )

Initializes the DVRT driver. Sets the variable values to their initial values and registers error callback functions for UART errors.




void DVRT_Process (void )

Processes the DVRT driver. Checks the UART for incoming data and processes the data if it is available. It also checks for time-out conditions and triggers the periodic sending of data if required. Finally, it executes one-shot readings and ping commands.



Variable Documentation

const DVRT_interface_t DVRT

Declaration of the DVRT interface and its function pointers.

Section: Included Files Section: Data Type Definitions Class Documentation DVCmds Union Reference

Public Attributes
  • DVRT_StreamUpdates_t stream

  • DVRT_VariableUpdate_t Var

  • DVRT_StreamIntervalUpdate_t interval

  • DVRT_CommandTemplate_t generic

  • uint8_t DVCmdArray [sizeof(DVRT_StreamUpdates_t)]

Member Data Documentation

The documentation for this union was generated from the following file:




uint8_t DVCmdArray[sizeof(DVRT_StreamUpdates_t)]


DVRT_CommandTemplate_t generic


DVRT_StreamIntervalUpdate_t interval


DVRT_StreamUpdates_t stream


DVRT_VariableUpdate_t Var DVRT_interface_t Struct Reference

Structure containing the function pointers to the DV Run Time driver APIs.

Detailed Description

Structure containing the function pointers to the DV Run Time driver APIs.

Section: Included Files Selecion: Data Type Definitions

#include <DVRunTime_interface.h>

Member Data Documentation

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:




void(* Initialize) (void)


void(* Process) (void) flagS Struct Reference

Member Data Documentation

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:




unsigned osr


unsigned ping


unsigned streamOn File Documentation source/DVRunTime.c File Reference

This file contains the driver implementation for the dvruntime driver module.

#include "../../DVRT/DVRunTime.h"
#include "../../uart/uart2.h"
  • void DVRT_UART_RX_CallBack (void)

  • void DVRT_HandleCommand (void)

  • void DVRT_UART_WriteByte (uint8_t)

  • void DVRT_WritePacket (void)

  • void DVRT_Error_Callback (void)

  • void DVRT_Initialize (void)

    Initializes the DVRT driver. Sets the variable values to their initial values and registers error callback functions for UART errors.

  • void DVRT_Process ()

    Processes the DVRT driver. Checks the UART for incoming data and processes the data if it is available. It also checks for time-out conditions and triggers the periodic sending of data if required. Finally, it executes one-shot readings and ping commands.

Detailed Description

This file contains the driver implementation for the dvruntime driver module.

dvruntime Generated Driver Source File


Version: dvruntime Version 1.0.0.
Function Documentation

void DVRT_Error_Callback (void )


void DVRT_HandleCommand (void )


void DVRT_UART_RX_CallBack (void )

Section: Driver Interface


void DVRT_UART_WriteByte (uint8_t txData)


void DVRT_WritePacket (void )

Variable Documentation

uint16_t DVCmdInterval


uint16_t DVCmdInterval_Counter


struct flagS DVflag


const volatile uint16_t dvIdFw = DV_FW_CODE



Section: Variables


volatile union DVCmds DVRT_ReceivedCmd


uint16_t DVStreamInterval


uint16_t DVStreamInterval_Counter


DVRT_error_t error


volatile uint8_t rxBufPtr


volatile uint8_t tickCounter


const uart_drv_interface_t* UART = &UART2[static]

Section: Included Files Section: Macro Declarations source/DVRunTime.h File Reference

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "DVRunTime_interface.h"
#include "DVRunTime_types.h"
#include "DVRunTime_config.h"
  • void DVRT_Initialize (void)

    Initializes the DVRT driver. Sets the variable values to their initial values and registers error callback functions for UART errors.

  • void DVRT_Process (void)

    Processes the DVRT driver. Checks the UART for incoming data and processes the data if it is available. It also checks for time-out conditions and triggers the periodic sending of data if required. Finally, it executes one-shot readings and ping commands.

Detailed Description

dvruntime Generated Driver Header File

Macro Definition Documentation

#define EXTERN extern source/DVRunTime_config.h File Reference

This file contains the macros for the configuration of the dvruntime module.

Detailed Description

This file contains the macros for the configuration of the dvruntime module.

dvruntime Generated Configuration Header File


Version: dvruntime Version 1.0.0.
Macro Definition Documentation

#define DV_END_OF_FRAME 0xFC /* End Frame Byte */


#define DV_FW_CODE (uint16_t)261 /* Project Firmware Code */


#define DV_RX_CMD_MIN_SIZE 3 /* Minimun number of byte in a RX command */


#define DV_RX_CMD_TIMEOUT 200 /* Command timeout: Timeout after number of times DVRT_process() is called */


#define DV_START_OF_FRAME 0x03 /* Start Frame Byte */


#define DV_STREAM_TIME 20 /* Streaming time interval (time dependent on main loop tick) */


#define DYNAMIC_VAR_PTR_COUNT 8 /* Number of Dynamic Variables Pointers in the Monitor Table */ source/DVRunTime_interface.h File Reference

Contains the function pointers to the DV Run Time library component.

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
Data structures
  • struct DVRT_interface_t

    Structure containing the function pointers to the DV Run Time driver APIs.

Detailed Description

Contains the function pointers to the DV Run Time library component.

dvruntime Generated Interface Header File


Version: dvruntime Version 1.0.0. Module Documentation DV Run Time Library Use Cases

DV Run Time Library Use Case Code Snippet Instructions

The use cases show example uses of the Data Visualizer Run Time feature, within an MCC Melody Project.

Add the following components and configure them as described in the specific example. Note: Fairly high system clock is required, but this can be lowered once done with the debugging/verification of application functionality with the DVRT.

Device Resources:
  1. Add DV Run Time.

  • Clock Control:
    1. Check that system clock is fast enough, to give a UART baud rate error < 1%

  • Pins:
    1. Best practice: Enable (weak)pullup on UART Rx pin  

DVRT Hello World: LED Toggle and Count Variables (Timer)
A LED is toggled after LED_period_ms (period of LED toggling in ms). LED_ON holds the state of the LED pin, meaning that when it is set on 0, an active low LED is on, and vice versa. Every 1 ms: DVRT_process( ) is called via a flag (msTick) set in the timer callback.
  • Count_msTicksSinceToggle is incremented up to toggle_ms, when LED_ON is toggled  

  • Count_dvrtProcessCalls is incremented before calling the DVRT_Process( )

Device Resources:
  1. Add DV Run Time.

  2. Add a Timer.

DV Run Time:
  • Dependency Selector
    1. Select UART PLIB dependency: Check the schematic for the UART connected to the debugger.

  • Hardware Settings:
    1. Requested Period(s): 0.001 (s) // 1 ms.

  • Interrupt Settings:
    1. TMR Interrupt: Yes.

System Configuration:
  • Pin Grid View:
    1. Select a LED pin (check schematic), and configure it as Output.

  • Pins:
    1. LED pin: Custom name "LED".

    2. Best practice: Enable (weak)pullup on UART Rx pin  

  • Clock Control:
    1. Check that system clock is fast enough, to give a UART baud rate error < 1%

After configuring the components as described above click Generate to generate the code. Then add the following code snippets to your application:

DVRT Table:
  • Add the following variables:
    1. uint16_t Count_dvrtProcessCalls.

    2. uint16_t Count_msTicksSinceToggle.

    3. uint16_t LED_period_ms.

    4. bool LED_ON.

/* Include for PIC16F/18F and AVR*/
#include "mcc_generated_files/system/system.h"
/* Includes for dsPIC and PIC24*/
#include "mcc_generated_files/system/system.h"
#include "mcc_generated_files/system/pins.h"
#include "mcc_generated_files/DVRT/DVRunTime.h"
#include "mcc_generated_files/timer/tmr1.h"   /* Replace with appropriate header from: .../timer/timerX.h */  
#include <stdbool.h>
/* Replace with TMR_INTERFACE / TIMER_INTERFACE from: MCC Generated Files/timer/timerX.h */
const struct TMR_INTERFACE *Timer = &Timer0;  

volatile bool     LED_ON = false;
volatile uint16_t LED_period_ms = 250;
volatile uint8_t  msTick = 0;
volatile uint16_t Count_msTicksSinceToggle = 0;
volatile uint16_t Count_dvrtProcessCalls = 0;
void Timer_Callback_1ms(void){
    msTick = 1;
    if(Count_msTicksSinceToggle >= LED_period_ms){
        LED_ON = !LED_ON;    // Toggle LED state variable
        Count_msTicksSinceToggle = 0;
int main(void)
    //For Q71 INTERRUPT_GlobalInterruptHighEnable(); 
    //For AVR: Enable Global IRQ in Interrupt Manager
    //For dsPIC, Global IRQs are enabled by default

        if(msTick == 1){
            msTick = 0;
DVRT Minimum Project

This is the minimum you'll need to add to your own project to use DVRT. The example can be verified by watching the DVCmdInterval_Counter, which is incremented within DVRT_process().

Device Resources:
  1. Add DV Run Time.

  2. Add a Timer.

DV Run Time:
  • Dependency Selector
    1. Select UART PLIB dependency: Check the schematic for the UART connected to the debugger.

  • Hardware Settings:
    1. Requested Period(s): 0.001 (s) // 1 ms.

  • Interrupt Settings:
    1. TMR Interrupt: No.  

System Configuration:
  • Clock Control:
    1. Check that system clock is fast enough, to give a UART baud rate error < 1%

  • Pins:
    1. Best practice: Enable (weak)pullup on UART Rx pin  

After configuring the components as described above click Generate to generate the code. Then add the following code snippets to your application:

DVRT Table:
  • Add the following variables:
    1. DVCmdInterval_Counter  

      Hint: Search for "count"

/* DVRT minimum project: dsPIC, PIC24 */
#include "mcc_generated_files/system/system.h"
#include "mcc_generated_files/DVRT/DVRunTime.h"
#include "mcc_generated_files/timer/tmr1.h"   /* Replace with appropriate header from: .../timer/timerX.h */

/* Replace with TMR_INTERFACE / TIMER_INTERFACE from: MCC Generated Files/timer/timerX.h */
const struct TIMER_INTERFACE *Timer = &Timer1;

int main(void)

/* DVRT minimum project for PIC16F/18F, coming soon for AVR */
#include "mcc_generated_files/system/system.h"
/* Replace with TMR_INTERFACE / TIMER_INTERFACE from: MCC Generated Files/timer/timerX.h */
const struct TMR_INTERFACE *Timer = &tmr0;

int main(void)
    /*For Q71: INTERRUPT_GlobalInterruptHighEnable(); */
