6.7 Battery Charging

The IS2083BM SoC has a built-in battery charger that is optimized for lithium-ion and lithium polymer batteries.

The on-chip PMU integrates the battery charger and voltage regulator. A power switch is used to switch over the power source between the battery (BAT_IN) and an adapter (ADAP_IN). The PMU provides the current to drive two LEDs.

The battery charger supports various modes with the features listed below:
  • Charging control using current sensor
  • User-programmable current regulation
  • High accuracy voltage regulation
  • Constant current and constant voltage modes
  • Stop charging and re-charging modes

The following figure illustrates the charging curve of a battery.

Figure 6-2. Battery Charging Curve
Note: For more details on battery charger configuration, please refer to the IS2083/BM83 Battery Charger Application Note (AN3490).