7 Repairs and Enhancements


  • Library framework updates for compatibility with MPLAB X IDE v6.05.


  • Updated the library for MCC Plugin v4.0.0 compatibility


  • Improvements:
    • Added tooltips to the GUI
    • Improved Cloud interface added to application features allowing for easy swap between cloud platforms
    • APIs and structure in “cloud_service.h” refactored
    • API in “wifi_service.h” refactored
    • Optimized LED driver code size and created a simple interface to control the LEDs
    • Optimized the frequency at which the application queries WINC module for NTP time in order to maintain the system time
  • Bugfixes:
    • Updated interrupt priority levels to address issue of missing character intermittently during ‘drag and drop’ of the wifi.cfg file to the CURIOSITY drive
    • Enabled pull-up on the floating UART2 Rx pin to prevent reception of garbage data
    • Issues in Yellow and Green LED behavior resolved when connection loss occurred, which made it appear as if the board was still transmitting data to the cloud