1.1.8 PWM

This block generates a PWM output with an arbitrary duty cycle at frequencies from less than 0.1 Hz to 24 MHz

Using the Library

The below example demonstrates how to use the PWM peripheral to generate a PWM signal and vary the duty cycle at run time. Based on the user input on the console, the duty cycle is incremented or decremented in steps of 1% while keeping the frequency of PWM output same.
char input = 0;
int16_t onTime = 0;
int16_t offTime = 0;
float dutyCycle = 0;
uint32_t onePercDutyCycleCnt = 0;
uint32_t period;

int main ( void )
    /* Initialize all modules */
    SYS_Initialize ( NULL );
    printf("\n\r                    PWM Demo                     ");
    printf("\n\r  Press '+'/'-' to increment/decrement duty cycle by 1%% ");
    period = (PWM0_OnCountGet() + 1 + PWM0_OffCountGet() + 1);
    dutyCycle = ((PWM0_OnCountGet() + 1)/(float)period) * 100.0;
    onePercDutyCycleCnt = (period)/100;
    printf("Frequency = %ld Hz\r\n", 48000000/(period));
    printf("Duty Cycle = %2.2f%%\r\n", dutyCycle);

    while ( true )
        scanf("%c", &input);
        if ((input == '+') && (dutyCycle <= 99.0))
            dutyCycle += 1;
        else if ((input == '-') && (dutyCycle >= 1.0))
            dutyCycle -= 1;
        onTime = onePercDutyCycleCnt * dutyCycle;
        offTime = period - onTime;
        if (onTime >= 0 && onTime <= 65535 && offTime >= 0 && offTime <= 65535)
            dutyCycle = (float)(onTime + 1)/(onTime + 1 + offTime + 1);
            dutyCycle *= 100;
            printf("Duty Cycle = %2.2f%%\r\n", dutyCycle);

    /* Execution should not come here during normal operation */

    return ( EXIT_FAILURE );

Library Interface

Name Description
PWMx_Initialize Initializes given instance of PWM peripheral.
PWMx_OffCountGet Returns the off-time period of the PWM signal
PWMx_OffCountSet Sets the off-time period of the PWM signal
PWMx_OnCountSet Sets the on-time period of the PWM signal
PWMx_OnCountGet Returns the on-time period of the PWM signal
PWMx_Start Enables and starts PWM peripheral
PWMx_Stop Disables PWM peripheral and stops PWM output
PWMx_ClkSelect Selects the clock source for the PWM peripheral
PWMx_ClkDividerSet Selects the divider value for the clock source for the PWM peripheral
Data types and constants
Name Type Description
PWM_OUTPUT_ON_STATE_ACTIVE Macro Defines the macros associated with PWM_OUTPUT_ON_STATE_ACTIVE
PWM_CLK_SEL Macro Defines the macros associated with PWM_CLK_SEL