1.1.14 Watchdog Timer

The function of the Watchdog Timer is to provide a mechanism to detect if the internal embedded controller has failed.

When enabled, the Watchdog Timer (WDT) circuit will generate a WDT Event if the user program fails to reload the WDT

within a specified length of time known as the WDT Interval.

Using the Library

The application toggles an LED and keeps refreshing the WDT. User can enter a character on the UART terminal to emulate a lockup situation. The application stops toggling the LED and stops refreshing the WDT upon receiving a character on the UART terminal. After the configured timeout, the WDT timer expires and resets the application
char wdtDemoMessage[] = 
    "\n\r -------------------------------------------------------------"
    "\n\r                           WDT DEMO                           "
    "\n\r -------------------------------------------------------------)"
    "\n\r Enter a character to emulate deadlock "

char wdtDeadlockMessage[] = 
    "\n\r Emulating deadlock................ "
    "\n\r WDT should reset device in 4 seconds "

int main ( void )
    /* Initialize all modules */
    SYS_Initialize ( NULL );
    UART0_Write(wdtDemoMessage, strlen(wdtDemoMessage));
    while ( true )
        if(UART0_ReceiverIsReady() == false)
            UART0_Write(wdtDeadlockMessage, strlen(wdtDeadlockMessage));

    /* Execution should not come here during normal operation */

    return ( EXIT_FAILURE );

Library Interface


Name Description
WDT_Initialize Initializes given instance of WDT peripheral.
WDT_Clear Clears WDT timer
WDT_CountGet Provides the current WDT count
WDT_Disable Disables WDT peripheral
WDT_Enable Enables WDT peripheral
WDT_IsEnabled Returns true if the WDT is enabled
WDT_isPowerFailWDTEventSet Indicates if the reset cause was due to WDT timeout or not
WDT_PeriodLoad Reloads the WDT counter with the given period value
WDT_PowerFailWDTEventClear Clears the WDT event bit in the Power Fail and Reset Status register
WDT_TimeoutActionSet Selects the action to be taken when WDT expires
WDT_CallbackRegister Allows application to register a callback with the WDT peripheral
Data types and constants
Name Type Description
WDT_CALLBACK Typedef Defines the data type and function signature for the WDT peripheral callback function.
WDT_TIMEOUT_ACTION Enum Defines the enums associated with WDT timeout action