5.4 Runtime Files

In addition to the C/C++ and assembly source files and user-defined libraries specified on the command line, the compiler can also link into your project compiler-generated source files and pre-compiled library files, whose content falls into the following categories:

  • C/C++ standard library routines
  • Implicitly called arithmetic library routines
  • User-defined library routines
  • The runtime start-up code
Note: Some PIC32 target devices allow you to select to boot in either the MIPS32® or microMIPS™ ISA mode via a device configuration bit (BOOTISA). On these devices, if your BOOTISA bit is set to microMIPS mode, pass the -mmicromips mode to the xc32-gcc/g++ compilation driver to tell it to link with the microMIPS variant of the runtime start-up code. If your BOOTISA bit is set to MIPS32 mode, pass the -mno-micromips option to the compilation driver so that the MIPS32 variant of the runtime start-up code is linked.