void USB_CDCVirtualSerialPortInitialize (void)
Initializes the CDC Virtual Serial Port functionality.
RETURN_CODE_t USB_CDCVirtualSerialPortHandler (void)
Performs Virtual Serial Port writes using the CDC class.
CDC_RETURN_CODE_t USB_CDCRead (uint8_t *data)
Pulls data from the CDC receive buffer.
CDC_RETURN_CODE_t USB_CDCWrite (uint8_t data)
Adds data to the CDC transmit buffer.
bool USB_CDCTxBusy (void)
Checks if the transmit buffer is full.
void USB_CDCDataTransmitted (USB_PIPE_t pipe, USB_TRANSFER_STATUS_t status, uint16_t bytesTransferred)
Callback function called after the USB IN transaction started.
void USB_CDCDataReceived (USB_PIPE_t pipe, USB_TRANSFER_STATUS_t status, uint16_t bytesTransferred)
Callback function called after the USB OUT transaction started.