Wakeup Debounce Configuration

Offset: 0x04
Reset: 0x00
Property: PAC Write-Protection

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 00000 

Bits 4:0 – WKDBCNT[4:0] Wakeup Debounce Counter Value

These bits define the Debounce Mode used when waking up by external wakeup pin from Backup Mode.

WKDBCNT Name Description
0x00 OFF No debouncing. Input pin is low or high level sensitive depending on its WKPOLx bit.
0x01 2CK32 Input pin shall be active for at least two 32KHz clock periods.
0x02 3CK32 Input pin shall be active for at least three 32KHz clock periods.
0x03 32CK32 Input pin shall be active for at least 32 32KHz clock periods.
0x04 512CK32 Input pin shall be active for at least 512 32KHz clock periods.
0x05 4096CK32 Input pin shall be active for at least 4096 32KHz clock periods.
0x06 32768CK32 Input pin shall be active for at least 32768 32KHz clock periods.
0x07 - Reserved