32 KHz Internal Oscillator (OSC32K) Operation

The OSC32K provides a tunable, low-speed and low-power clock source.

At reset, the OSC32K is disabled. It can be enabled by setting the Enable bit in the 32 KHz Internal Oscillator Control register (OSC32K.ENABLE = 1). The OSC32K is disabled by clearing the Enable bit in the 32 KHz Internal Oscillator Control register (OSC32K.ENABLE = 0).

The frequency of the OSC32K oscillator is controlled by OSC32K.CALIB, which is a calibration value in the 32 KHz Internal Oscillator Calibration bits in the 32 KHz Internal Oscillator Control register. The CALIB value must be loaded with production calibration values from the NVM Software Calibration Area. When writing the Calibration bits, the user must wait for the STATUS.OSC32KRDY bit to go high before the new value is committed to the oscillator.

The OSC32K has a 32.768 kHz output which is enabled by setting the 32 KHz Output Enable bit in the 32 KHz Internal Oscillator Control register (OSC32K.EN32K = 1). The OSC32K also has a 1.024 kHz clock output. This is enabled by setting the 1 KHz Output Enable bit in the 32 KHz Internal Oscillator Control register (OSC32K.EN1K).

Before using the USB, the Pad Calibration register (PADCAL) must be loaded with production calibration values from the NVM Software Calibration Area

The OSC32K will behave differently in different sleep modes based on the settings of OSC32K.RUNSTDBY, OSC32K.ONDEMAND and OSC32K.ENABLE. If OSC32KCTRL.ENABLE = 0, the OSC32K will always be stopped. For OS32K.ENABLE = 1, this table is valid:

Table 13-33. OSC32K Sleep Behavior
Active or Idle0Always run
Active or Idle1Run if requested by peripheral
Standby10Always run
Standby11Run if requested by peripheral
Standby0Run if requested by peripheral

The OSC32K requires a start-up time. For this reason, OSC32K will keep running across resets when OSC32K.ONDEMAND = 0, except for power-on reset (POR).

After such a reset, or when waking up from a sleep mode where the OSC32K was disabled, the OSC32K will need a certain amount of time to stabilize on the correct frequency.

This start-up time can be configured by changing the Oscillator Start-Up Time bit group (OSC32K.STARTUP) in the OSC32K Control register. During the start-up time, the oscillator output is masked to ensure that no unstable clock propagates to the digital logic.

Once the external clock or crystal oscillator is stable and ready to be used as a clock source, the OSC32K Ready bit in the Status register is set (STATUS.OSC32KRDY = 1). The transition of STATUS.OSC32KRDY from '0' to '1' generates an interrupt if the OSC32K Ready bit in the Interrupt Enable Set register is set (INTENSET.OSC32KRDY = 1).

The OSC32K can be used as a source for Generic Clock Generators (GCLK) or for the Real-Time Counter (RTC). Before enabling the GCLK or the RTC module, the corresponding oscillator output must be enabled (OSC32K.EN32K or OSC32K.EN1K) to ensure proper operation. In the same way, the GCLK or RTC modules must be disabled before the clock selection is changed.