31.4 I/O Lines Description

Table 31-1. EBI I/O Lines Description
Name Function Type Active Level
EBI_D[31:0] Data Bus I/O
EBI_A[25:0] Address Bus Output
EBI_NWAIT External Wait Signal Input Low
EBI_NCS[5:0] Chip Select Lines Output Low
EBI_NWR[3:0] Write Signals Output Low
EBI_NRD Read Signal Output Low
EBI_NWE Write Enable Output Low
EBI_NBS[3:0] Byte Mask Signals Output Low
EBI for NAND Flash Support
EBI_NANDCS NAND Flash Chip Select Line Output Low
EBI_NANDOE NAND Flash Output Enable Output Low
EBI_NANDWE NAND Flash Write Enable Output Low
MPDDR / SDRAM Controllers
EBI_SDCK, EBI_SDCK# MPDDR Differential Clock Output
EBI_SDCKE MPDDR/SDRAM Clock Enable Output High
EBI_SDCS MPDDR/SDRAM Chip Select Line Output Low
EBI_BA[2:0] Bank Select Output
EBI_SDWE MPDDR/SDRAM Write Enable Output Low
EBI_RAS - EBI_CAS Row and Column Signal Output Low
EBI_SDA10 SDRAM Address 10 Line Output

The connection of some signals through the MUX logic is not direct and depends on the Memory Controller currently in use.

The following table details the connections between the two Memory Controllers and the EBI pins.

Table 31-2. EBI Pins and Memory Controllers I/O Lines Connections
EBIx Pins SDRAM I/O Lines SMC I/O Lines
EBI_A0/NBS0 Not Supported SMC_A0
EBI_A1/NBS2/NWR2 Not Supported SMC_A1
EBI_A[11:2] SDRAM_A[9:0] SMC_A[11:2]
EBI_SDA10 SDRAM_A10 Not Supported
EBI_A12 Not Supported SMC_A12
EBI_A[15:13] SDRAM_A[13:11] SMC_A[15:13]
EBI_A[25:16] Not Supported SMC_A[25:16]
EBI_D[31:0] D[31:0] D[31:0]