Command Format

The commands are formatted as follows:


opcode addr length not_used rw


  • opcode—4 characters of the command.
  • addr—the address field is max 8 characters long, and contains the hexadecimal address value without '0x'.
  • length—in case of a write command, this field indicates the size of the data to be sent, in hexadecimal format without '0x'.
  • not_used—this field is not used for the moment.
  • rw—indicates a read or write operation (00 for read, 01 for write).
    Table 12-10. Read Version Command
    Command Description
    RVER Read ROM code version
    Table 12-11. Key Management Commands
    Command Description
    WCKY Send customer keys and initialization vector (640 bits) for AES-CMAC
    WRHA Send RSA hash of root certificate public key for AES-RSA authentication mode
    Table 12-12. Applet-Related Commands
    Command Description
    SAPT Send applet
    SMBX Send applet mailbox content
    RMBX Read applet mailbox content
    EAPP Execute applet
    SFIL Send file to an already loaded applet
    RFIL Read file from the buffer filled by an applet after its execution