Bit 3130292827262524 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Bit 15141312111098 
 SPE[3:0] FUNC[2:0] 
Bit 76543210 

Bit 23 – DPRE Destination Premult

0 Destination pre-multiplication is disabled.
1 Destination pre-multiplication is enabled. Pixels from destination surface are multiplied by constant before blending.

Bits 22:20 – DAFACT[2:0] Destination Alpha Factor

0 ZERO (0, 0, 0, 0)
1 ONE (1, 1, 1, 1)
2 SRC_ALPHA (As, As, As, As)
3 ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA (1, 1, 1, 1)-(As, As, As, As)
4 DST_ALPHA (Ad, Ad, Ad, Ad)
5 ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA (1, 1, 1, 1)-(Ad, Ad, Ad, Ad)
7 ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA (1, 1, 1, 1)-(Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac)

Bit 19 – SPRE Source Premult

0 Source pre-multiplication is disabled.
1 Source pre-multiplication is enabled. Pixels from source surface are multiplied by constant before blending.

Bits 18:16 – SAFACT[2:0] Source Alpha Factor

0 ZERO (0, 0, 0, 0)
1 ONE (1, 1, 1, 1)
2 SRC_ALPHA (As, As, As, As)
3 ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA (1, 1, 1, 1)-(As, As, As, As)
4 DST_ALPHA (Ad, Ad, Ad, Ad)
5 ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA (1, 1, 1, 1)-(Ad, Ad, Ad, Ad)
7 ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA (1, 1, 1, 1)-(Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac)

Bits 15:12 – SPE[3:0] Special Blend

0 LIGHTEN Based on the color information in each channel, selects the base color or the blend color, whichever is lighter, as the resulting color.
1 DARKEN Based on the color information in each channel, selects the base color or the blend color, whichever is darker, as the resulting color.
2 MULTIPLY Based on the color information in each channel, multiplies the base color by the blend color. The result is always a darker color.
3 AVERAGE Based on the color information in each channel, averages the base color and the blend color to generate the resulting color.
4 ADD This blend mode adds pixel values.
5 SUBTRACT Based on the color information in each channel, subtracts the blend color from the base color.
6 DIFFERENCE Based on the color information in each channel, subtracts either the blend color from the base color or the base color from the blend color, depending on which has the greater brightness value.
7 NEGATION This mode produces the opposite effect to difference.
8 SCREEN Based on each channel’s color information, multiplies the inverse of the blend and base colors. The resulting color is always a lighter color.
9 OVERLAY Multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the base color.
10 DODGE Based on the color information in each channel, brightens the base color to reflect the blend color by decreasing the contrast between the two.
11 BURN Based on the color information in each channel, darkens the base color to reflect the blend color by increasing the contrast between the two.
12 REFLECT This blend mode can be used to add shiny objects or area if light. Black pixels in the blend are ignored as if they were transparent.
13 GLOW The reverse of the REFLECT mode. GLOW effectively brightens the composition by the amount of brightness in the blend layer. Black pixels in the blend layer are rendered as if they were transparent.

Bits 10:8 – FUNC[2:0] Blending Function

0 ADD Cf=S*Cs +D*Cd
3 MIN Cf=Min(Cs, Cd)
4 MAX Cf=Max(Cs, Cd)
5 SPE Special blending functions

Bits 7:4 – DCFACT[3:0] Destination Color Factor

0 ZERO (0, 0, 0, 0)
1 ONE (1, 1, 1, 1)
2 SRC_COLOR (As, Rs, Gs, Bs)
3 ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR (1, 1, 1, 1)-(As, Rs, Gs, Bs)
4 DST_COLOR (Ad, Rd, Gd, Bd)
5 ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR (1, 1, 1, 1)-(Ad, Rd, Gd, Bd)
6 SRC_ALPHA (As, As, As, As)
7 ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA (1, 1, 1, 1)-(As, As, As, As)
8 DST_ALPHA (Ad, Ad, Ad, Ad)
9 ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA (1, 1, 1, 1)-(Ad, Ad, Ad, Ad)
10 CONSTANT_COLOR (Ac, Rc, Gc, Bc)
11 ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR (1, 1, 1, 1)-(Ac, Rc, Gc, Bc)
12 CONSTANT_ALPHA (Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac)
13 ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA (1, 1, 1, 1)-(Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac)
14 SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE (1, i, i, i) where i is equal to the minimum between As and 1-Ad

Bits 3:0 – SCFACT[3:0] Source Color Factor

0 ZERO (0, 0, 0, 0)
1 ONE (1, 1, 1, 1)
2 SRC_COLOR (As, Rs, Gs, Bs)
3 ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR (1, 1, 1, 1)-(As, Rs, Gs, Bs)
4 DST_COLOR (Ad, Rd, Gd, Bd)
5 ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR (1, 1, 1, 1)-(Ad, Rd, Gd, Bd)
6 SRC_ALPHA (As, As, As, As)
7 ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA (1, 1, 1, 1)-(As, As, As, As)
8 DST_ALPHA (Ad, Ad, Ad, Ad)
9 ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA (1, 1, 1, 1)-(Ad, Ad, Ad, Ad)
10 CONSTANT_COLOR (Ac, Rc, Gc, Bc)
11 ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR (1, 1, 1, 1)-(Ac, Rc, Gc, Bc)
12 CONSTANT_ALPHA (Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac)
13 ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA (1, 1, 1, 1)-(Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac)
14 SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE (1, i, i, i) where i is equal to the minimum between As and 1-Ad