44.2 Embedded Characteristics

  • Compliant with Inter-IC Sound (I2S) Bus Specification
  • Host, Client, and Controller Modes
    • Client: Data received/transmitted
    • Host: Data received/transmitted and clocks generated
    • Controller: Clocks generated
  • Individual Enable and Disable of Receiver, Transmitter and Clocks
  • Configurable Clock Generator Common to Receiver and Transmitter
    • Suitable for a wide range of sample frequencies (fs), including 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48  kHz, 88.2  kHz, 96  kHz, and 192  kHz
    • 16 fs to 1024 fs host clock generated for external oversampling data converters
  • Support for Multiple Data Formats
    • 32-, 24-, 20-, 18-, 16-, and 8-bit mono or stereo format
    • 16- and 8-bit compact stereo format, with left and right samples packed in the same word to reduce data transfers
  • Support for Multiple Data Frame Formats
    • 2-channel I2S with word select
    • 1- to 8-channel Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) with frame synchronization
  • DMA Controller Interfaces the Receiver and Transmitter to Reduce Processor Overhead
  • Smart Holding Registers Management to Avoid Audio Channel Mix After Overrun or Underrun
  • Functional Safety Monitors and Reports
    • Internal sequencer integrity check reports
    • Register write protection