14.5.3 User Channel Mux

Each event user can be connected to one channel, and several users can be connected to the same channel. The following table lists all Event System users with their corresponding user ID number and name. This ID number corresponds to the USER register index, e.g., the EVSYS.USER2 register controls the user with ID 2.

USER #User NameAsync/SyncDescription
0CCLLUT0AAsyncCCL LUT0 event input A
1CCLLUT0BAsyncCCL LUT0 event input B
2CCLLUT1AAsyncCCL LUT1 event input A
3CCLLUT1BAsyncCCL LUT1 event input B
4CCLLUT2AAsyncCCL LUT2 event input A
5CCLLUT2BAsyncCCL LUT2 event input B
6CCLLUT3AAsyncCCL LUT3 event input A
7CCLLUT3BAsyncCCL LUT3 event input B
8ADC0AsyncADC0 Trigger
9EVOUTAAsyncEVSYS pin output A
10EVOUTBAsyncEVSYS pin output B
11EVOUTCAsyncEVSYS pin output C
12EVOUTDAsyncEVSYS pin output D
13EVOUTEAsyncEVSYS pin output E
14EVOUTFAsyncEVSYS pin output F
15USART0SyncUSART0 event input
16USART1SyncUSART1 event input
17USART2SyncUSART2 event input
18USART3SyncUSART3 event input
19TCA0SyncTCA0 event input
20TCB0BothTCB0 event input
21TCB1BothTCB1 event input
22TCB2BothTCB2 event input
23TCB3BothTCB3 event input
Name: USER
Offset: 0x20 + n*0x01 [n=0..23]
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 7:0 – CHANNEL[7:0] User Channel Selection

Describes which Event System channel the user is connected to.
0OFF, no channel is connected to this Event System user
nEvent user is connected to CHANNEL(n-1)