3.3 Serial Port
The Data Visualizer can be connected to a target board via a standard PC serial port. Set up serial controls in the Data Sources (left) pane.
Baud rate, Stop bits, and parity must be set to match the required settings for the communication partner. Serial port data is treated as unsigned 8-bit data in the Graph and Terminal.
Field name | Values | Usage |
Baud rate | 9600-2000000 | Baud rate of serial interface. |
Char Length | 5, 6, 7, or 8 bits | Number of bits in each transfer. |
Parity | None, Even, Odd, Mark, or Space | Parity type used for communication. |
Stop bits | 1, 1.5, or 2 bits | Number of Stop bits. |
Note: Asynchronous serial protocols (e.g.,
UART protocols used by DGI USART and CDC Virtual COM port interfaces) use the following
baud rates:
- 9600
- 19200
- 38400
- 57600
- 115200
- 230400
- 500000
- 1000000
- 2000000
Using any other baud rates will not work for protocols over asynchronous interfaces (DGI UART and Serial port/CDC Virtual COM port).
Difference between tty and cu ports
See the list article by Godfrey van der Linden posted on the Apple® Listserv at lists.apple.com/archives/darwin-dev/2009/Nov/msg00099.html.