2.1 Features

It can be difficult to troubleshoot data on an embedded target while your application is running. In the same way a debugger helps you debug your application code, MPLAB Data Visualizer helps you debug your data. With MPLAB Data Visualizer, you can see how key data points in your application change during runtime, e.g., visualize values captured by a sensor on your development board.

MPLAB Data Visualizer has the following features:

  • Capture data streamed from a running embedded target via serial port (CDC) or the Data Gateway Interface (DGI).
  • Monitor power data.
  • Decode data fields at runtime using the Data Stream Protocol format.
  • Stream data, as well as read and write global variables, using the Data Visualizer Run Time (DVRT) protocol.
  • Visualize the raw or decoded data in a Graph as a time series or XY plot, or display the data in a terminal.
  • Actively monitor data or input data to an application using widgets on the Dashboard.
  • Concurrently stream data and debug target code using the MPLAB® X IDE.
  • Automatically load Data Stream and Dashboard configuration for the data stream.
  • Analyze plotted data using cursors to measure bandwidth, pulse width and more.
  • Log data to file as it is being captured, using CSV or compressed Feather (Apache Arrow) format.
  • Save a plot snapshot to a CSV or JSON file.
  • Add Plugins for more functionality.