50.8 Rev.B - 11/2015

Section Changes
Introduction Updated to 2.46 Coremark/MHz
9.4 NVM Software Calibration Area Mapping Temperature calibration content removed.
10 Processor and Architecture Editorial update.
6.2.1 Oscillator Pinout Recommendation for XOSC32 jitter optimization added.
Power Supply and Start-Up Considerations
  • VLCD has two alternative functions.
  • Section "Performance Level Overview" added.
10 Processor and Architecture QoS levels can be written/read using 32-bit accesss only.
DSU - Device Service Unit
  • Register PID1.JEPIDCL reset value 0xF.
  • Editorial updates.
GCLK - Generic Clock Controller Editorial updates.
RSTC - Reset Controller Editorial updates.
PM - Power Manager
  • STDBYCFG.BBIASHS=0x0 turns off Back Biasing in Standby mode.
  • Added Power Reset as option for exiting OFF mode.
OSCCTRL - Oscillators Controller DFLL48M:
  • Only reference clock drift will make run the compensation out of bounds - voltage and temperature swings are compensated for.
  • USB Clock recovery mode enabled by writing to DFLLCTRL.USBCRM and DFLLCTRL.MODE.
  • STATUS.DFLLRDY indicates readiness of the DFLL48M registers for read/write access.
  • Editorial updates.
OSC32KCTRL - 32.768 kHz Oscillators Controller XOSC32K.STARTUP times corrected.
SUPC - Supply Controller Register bit VREF.TSSEL removed.
RTC - Real-Time Counter
  • 16-bit counter: TIMESTAMP.COUT has reset value 0x0000.
  • Frequency correction sign affecting periods, not frequencies.
  • Editorial updates.
DMAC - Direct Memory Access Controller
  • CHCTRLA.RUNSTDBY supported
  • Editorial updates.
NVMCTRL - Nonvolatile Memory Controller Editorial updates.
SERCOM - Serial Communication Interface Editorial updates.
SERCOM USART - SERCOM Synchronous and Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter
  • Register RXPL.RXPL: formula corrected.
  • Register CTRLA.TXPO: pin configuration updated.
SERCOM I2C - Inter-Integrated Circuit Master Operation: Startup timing explained.
TCC - Timer/Counter for Control Applications Register DRVCTRL.NRVx size corrected.
USB - Universal Serial Bus
  • Register PCKSIZE.BYTE_COUNT size corrected.
  • Register HSOFC.FLENCE description updated.
CCL - Configurable Custom Logic Editorial updates.
ADC - Analog-to-Digital Converter
  • Features: Number of analog inputs updated.
  • Section on Device Temperature Measurement removed: Only one temperature sensor available.
  • Signal Description:
    • Updated signal name from ADC to AIN.
    • AREFA/B naming updated to VREFA/B.
  • Editorial updates.
42 SLCD - Segment Liquid Crystal Display Controller
  • Contrast/VLCD values moved to Electrical Characteristics.
  • Frame rate calculation using NB_COM.
  • No Power Mode of LCD Power Supply.
  • Dead Time Insertion removed.
  • Editorial updates.
44 Electrical Characteristics LCD parameters expanded.
SAM L22 Errata New Errata:
  • TRNG: Power consumption in standby mode. Errata reference 14827
  • EVSYS: Under certain conditions, CHSTATUS.CHBUSYn is cleared too early causing an overrun flag. Errata reference 14835
  • Device: Some tampering pins may not work in backup mode. Errata reference 15010

Removed Erratum 14815.