7-bit Addressing Reception

The following describes a standard sequence of events for the MSSP module configured as an I2C slave in 7-bit Addressing mode. Figure 2-6 and Figure 2-7 are used as a visual reference for this description.

This is a step by step process of what typically must be done to accomplish I2C communication.

  1. Start condition detected.
  2. The Start (S) bit is set; SSPxIF is set if the Start Condition Interrupt Enable (SCIE) bit is set.
  3. Matching address when R/W bit clear is received.
  4. The slave pulls SDA low, sending an ACK to the master and sets SSPxIF bit.
  5. Software clears the SSPxIF bit.
  6. Software reads received address from SSPxBUF, clearing the BF flag.
  7. If SEN = 1; Slave software sets the CKP bit to release the SCL line.
  8. The master clocks out a data byte.
  9. Slave drives SDA low, sending an ACK to the master and setting the SSPxIF bit.
  10. Software clears SSPxIF.
  11. Software reads the received byte from SSPxBUF, clearing BF.
  12. Steps 8-12 are repeated for all received bytes from the master.
  13. Master sends Stop condition, setting the Stop (P) bit, and the bus goes Idle.
Figure 2-6. I2C Slave, 7-bit Address, Reception (SEN = 0, AHEN = 0, DHEN = 0)
Figure 2-7. I2C Slave, 7-bit Address, Reception (SEN = 1, AHEN = 0, DHEN = 0)