57.5.1 Overview

The Integrity Check Monitor (ICM) is a DMA controller that performs SHA-based memory hashing over memory regions. As shown in figure Integrity Check Monitor Block Diagram, it integrates a DMA interface, a Monitoring Finite State Machine (FSM), an integrity scheduler, a set of context registers, a SHA engine, an interface for configuration and status registers.

The ICM integrates a Secure Hash Algorithm engine (SHA). This engine requires a message padded according to FIPS180-2 specification when used as a SHA calculation unit only. Otherwise, if the ICM is used as integrated check for memory content, the padding is not mandatory. The SHA module produces an N-bit message digest each time a block is read and a processing period ends. N is 160 for SHA1, 224 for SHA224, 256 for SHA256.

When the ICM module is enabled, it sequentially retrieves a circular list of region descriptors from the memory (Main List described in figure ICM Region Descriptor and Hash Areas). Up to four regions may be monitored. Each region descriptor is composed of four words indicating the layout of the memory region (see figure Region Descriptor ). It also contains the hashing engine configuration on a per-region basis. As soon as the descriptor is loaded from the memory and context registers are updated with the data structure, the hashing operation starts. A programmable number of blocks (see TRSIZE field of the ICM_RCTRL structure member) is transferred from the memory to the SHA engine. When the desired number of blocks have been transferred, the digest is either moved to memory (Write Back function) or compared with a digest reference located in the system memory (Compare function). If a digest mismatch occurs, an interrupt is triggered if unmasked. The ICM module passes through the region descriptor list until the end of the list marked by an end of list marker (WRAP or EOM bit in ICM_RCFG structure member set to one). To continuously monitor the list of regions, the WRAP bit must be set to one in the last data structure and EOM must be cleared.

Figure 57-3. ICM Region Descriptor and Hash Areas

Each region descriptor supports gathering of data through the use of the Secondary List. Unlike the Main List, the Secondary List cannot modify the configuration attributes of the region. When the end of the Secondary List has been encountered, the ICM returns to the Main List. Memory integrity monitoring can be considered as a background service and the mandatory bandwidth shall be very limited. In order to limit the ICM memory bandwidth, use ICM_CFG.BBC to control the ICM memory load.

Figure 57-4. Region Descriptor

The figure below shows an example of the mandatory ICM settings required to monitor three memory data blocks of the system memory (defined as two regions) with one region being not contiguous (two separate areas) and one contiguous memory area. For each region, the SHA algorithm may be independently selected (different for each region). The wrap allows continuous monitoring.

Figure 57-5. Example: Monitoring of 3 Memory Data Blocks (Defined as 2 Regions)