44.8.2 Transmit Operations

A transmit frame is triggered by a start event and can be followed by synchronization data before data transmission.

The start event is configured by setting the SSC_TCMR. See Start.

The frame synchronization is configured setting the Transmit Frame Mode Register (SSC_TFMR). See Frame Synchronization.

To transmit data, the transmitter uses a shift register clocked by the transmit clock signal and the start mode selected in the SSC_TCMR. Data is written by the application to the Transmit Holding register (SSC_THR) then transferred to the transmit shift register according to the data format selected.

When both the SSC_THR and the transmit shift register are empty, the status flag TXEMPTY is set in the Status register (SSC_SR). When the Transmit Holding register is transferred in the transmit shift register, the status flag TXRDY is set in the SSC_SR and additional data can be loaded in the Transmit Holding register.

Figure 44-11. Transmit Block Diagram