2.2.4 ATECC608B-TNGTLS Detailed Slot Access Policies

Detailed Slot Configurations

The following tables provide a more detailed description of the slot configuration and key configuration settings for each configured slot on the device. Relevant commands and command modes applicable to each configured slot are included.

Table 2-5. Slot 0 Configuration Information
Slot Configuration Value Description of Enabled Features
0 Key: Primary Private Key
  • Contains P256 NIST ECC private key
  • The corresponding public key can always be generated
  • Random nonce is required
  • Slot is secret
  • Can sign external messages
  • Can use with ECDH command
Table 2-6. Slot 1 Configuration Information
Slot Configuration Value Description of Enabled Features
1 Key: Internal Sign Private Key
  • Contains P256 NIST ECC private key
  • The corresponding public key can always be generated
  • Random nonce is required
  • Slot is secret
  • Can sign internal messages generated by GenDig or GenKey
  • ECDH disabled
Table 2-7. Slot and Key Configuration Slots 2-4
Slot Configuration Value Description of Enabled Features
2,3 or 4 Key: Secondary Private Keys 1-3
  • Contains P256 NIST ECC private key
  • The corresponding public key can always be generated
  • Random nonce is required
  • This slot can be individually locked
  • GenKey can be used to generate a new ECC private key in this slot prior to locking
  • Slot is secret
  • Can sign external messages
  • Can use with ECDH command
Table 2-8. Slot 5 Configuration Information
Slot Configuration Value Description of Enabled Features
5 Key: Clear Text Data
  • Can not be written
  • Can be read as clear text
Table 2-9. Slot 6 Configuration Information
Slot Configuration Value Description of Enabled Features
6 Key: IO Protection Key
  • Can contain a SHA256 symmetric key or other data. If the IO protection key is not used, this slot can be used for other data
  • A random nonce is required when this key is used
  • This slot can be individually locked
  • Data can be written in the Clear
  • The contents of this slot are secret and cannot be read
  • Slot cannot be used for the CheckMac Copy command
Table 2-10. Slot 8 Configuration Information
Slot Configuration Value Description of Enabled Features
8 Key: General Data
  • This slot is designated for use with general data
  • Slot is lockable
  • Clear text writes and reads are permitted to this slot
  • Slot cannot be used for the CheckMac Copy command
Table 2-11. Slot 9 Configuration Information
Slot Configuration Value Description of Enabled Features
9 Key: AES Key
  • Slot can store up to four AES 128-bit symmetric keys
  • Clear text writes are allowed to this slot
  • This slot is secret
  • Slot cannot be used for the CheckMac Copy command
Table 2-12. Slot 10 Configuration Information
Slot Configuration Value Description of Enabled Features
10 Key: Device Compressed Certificate
  • Slot defined to store other data
  • Data cannot be overwritten
  • Data can be read in the clear
Table 2-13. Slot 11 Configuration Information
Slot Configuration Value Description of Enabled Features
11 Key: Signer Public Key
  • Slot is defined for ECC key
  • ECC key is a public key
  • Data cannot be overwritten
  • Data can be read in the clear
Table 2-14. Slot 12 Configuration Information
Slot Configuration Value Description of Enabled Features
12 Key: Signer Compressed Certificate
  • Slot defined to store other data
  • Data cannot be overwritten
  • Data can be read in the clear