2.4.1 AWeX PWM Output After Fault Restarted With Wrong Values

When recovering from the fault state, the PWM output will drive wrong values to the port for up to two CLKPER + one CLKPER4 cycles.

Work Around

The following sequence can be used in Latched mode:
  1. Disable DTI outputs (Write DTICCxEN to 0).
  2. Clear fault flag.
  3. Wait for overflow.
  4. Re-enable DTI (Write DTICCxEN to 1).
  5. Set pin direction to output.
The above will remove the glitch, but the following period will be shorter. Follow the same procedure in a Cycle-by-cycle mode as long as the Pattern Generation Mode is not enabled.

For Pattern Generation Mode, there is no work around.

Affected Silicon Revisions

Rev. L