35.6 General Purpose Manchester (Full-Featured UARTs Only)
General purpose Manchester is a subset of the DALI mode. When the UxP1L register is cleared, there is no minimum wait time between frames. This allows full- and half-duplex operation because writes to the UxTXB register are not held waiting for a receive operation to complete.
General purpose Manchester operation maintains all other aspects of DALI mode as shown in Figure 35-9 such as:
- Single-pulse Start bit
- Most Significant bit first
- No stop periods between back-to-back bytes
The general purpose Manchester mode is configured with the following settings:
- MODE = ‘b1000
- TXEN = 1
- RXEN = 1
- UxP1 = 0h
- UxBRG = desired baud rate
- TXPOL and RXPOL = desired Idle state
- STP = desired number of stop periods
- RxyPPS = TX pin selection code
- TX pin TRIS control = 0
- RXPPS = RX pin selection code
- RX pin TRIS control = 1
- Input pin ANSEL bit = 0
- ON = 1
The Manchester bit stream timing is shown in Figure 35-9.