5.6 Service Type 5 – 2P3W_2E_2V2I
2-Phase 3-Wire NETWORK, 2-Elements, 2-Voltages, 2-Currents
Use this meter form type when metering any 2-Phase service with two phases of voltage
measurement, each with its own current measurement. Mathematically, this makes three
seemingly different services: 2-Phase 3-Wire Network, 2-Phase 5-Wire, and the “1-Phase”
3-Wire 2-Element meter forms all mathematically equivalent, except for the results
reported for phase-phase voltages and voltage-current phasing.
In the most straightforward, default non-transformational processing, metering with form type:5 is mathematically the equivalent to metering with form type:4. However, as expected, differences would be evident in different reported results for phase-phase voltage values as well as phasing between the voltage and current channels.