9.2.8 Communication

Set the option(s) to use for your device and type of target communication.

Table 9-8. Communication Option Category
InterfaceSelect the interface from the available options.
Speed (MHz)Enter a speed based on the available range for the interface.

GPIO vs. UPDI Operation:

When using a high voltage pulse to reactivate the UPDI interface, the reactivation is only temporary, but it will retain the UPDI functionality until the next reset. After the next reset, the pin will go back to the configuration as specified by the RSTPINCFG configuration bits. To have the pin configured as UPDI after a reset, the user will have to change the RSTPINCFG configuration bits back to UPDI.

It is possible to perform a debug session when the RSTPINCFG is configured to GPIO, but the pin will be temporarily configured as UPDI, and the pin will not operate as a GPIO pin.

Table 9-9. SYSCFG0 RSTPINCFG[1:0] Configuration Bits