4.7 Functions for Specialized Copying and Initialization

These functions support specialized data copying and initialization.

Example of Use

#include "stdio.h" 
#include "libpic30.h" 

void display_mem(char *p, unsigned int len) { 
  int i; 
  for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { 
    printf(" %d", *p++); 

char __attribute__((space(prog))) dat[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; 
char buf[10]; 

int main() { 
  int i; 
  _prog_addressT p; 

  /* method 1 */ 
  _init_prog_address(p, dat); 
  (void) _memcpy_p2d16(buf, p, 10); 

  /* method 2 */ 
  _init_prog_address(p, dat); 
  p = _memcpy_p2d16(buf, p, 4); 
  p = _memcpy_p2d16(&buf[4], p, 6); 