34.20.4 UxERRIR

UART Error Interrupt Flag Register
  1. Full-featured UARTs only.

Bit 76543210 
Reset 10000000 

Bit 7 – TXMTIF Transmit Shift Register Empty Interrupt Flag

1 Transmit shift register is empty (Set at end of Stop bits)
0 Transmit shift register is actively shifting data

Bit 6 – PERIF Parity Error Interrupt Flag

1 MODE = LIN or Parity Unread byte at top of input FIFO has parity error
0 MODE = LIN or Parity Unread byte at top of input FIFO does not have parity error
1 MODE = DALI Device Unread byte at top of input FIFO received as Forward Frame
0 MODE = DALI Device Unread byte at top of input FIFO received as Back Frame
1 MODE = Address Unread byte at top of input FIFO received as address
0 MODE = Address Unread byte at top of input FIFO received as data
x MODE = All others Not used

Bit 5 – ABDOVF Auto-baud Detect Overflow Interrupt Flag

1 MODE = DALI Start bit measurement overflowed counter
0 MODE = DALI No overflow during Start bit measurement
1 MODE = All others Baud Rate Generator overflowed during the auto-detection sequence
0 MODE = All others Baud Rate Generator has not overflowed

Bit 4 – CERIF Checksum Error Interrupt Flag

1 MODE = DALI Stop bit detected
0 MODE = DALI Stop bit not detected
x MODE = not DALI Not used

Bit 3 – FERIF Framing Error Interrupt Flag

1 Unread byte at top of input FIFO has framing error
0 Unread byte at top of input FIFO does not have framing error

Bit 2 – RXBKIF Break Reception Interrupt Flag

1 Break detected
0 No break detected

Bit 1 – RXFOIF Receive FIFO Overflow Interrupt Flag

1 Receive FIFO has overflowed
0 Receive FIFO has not overflowed

Bit 0 – TXCIF  Transmit Collision Interrupt Flag(1)

1 Transmitted word is not equal to the word received during transmission
0 Transmitted word equals the word received during transmission
Full-featured UARTs only.