Silicon Issue Summary

Module Feature Item No. Issue Summary Affected Revisions
A1 A2
Analog-to-Digital Converter With Computation (ADC2) ADC2 Burst Average mode 1.1.1 ADC2 Burst Average mode while in "Non-continuous Double Sample" mode is buggy X -
Double Sample Conversion 1.1.2 An unexpected acquisition time is added between the first and second conversions X X
Fixed Voltage Reference (FVR) Positive Voltage Reference 1.2.1 Using the FVR as the ADC positive voltage reference can cause an increase in missing codes X X
I2C Start and Stop Interrupt Functions 1.3.1 A race condition can cause the Start and/or Stop flags to be set when I2C is enabled X X
In-Circuit Serial Programming Low-Voltage Programming 1.4.1 Low-Voltage programming is not possible when VDD is below BORV while BOR is enabled X X
Nonvolatile Memory (NVM) WRERR bit Operation 1.5.1 NVMERR bit is set by device Reset after being cleared by software X -
Program Flash Memory (PFM) PFM Endurance 1.6.1 The PFM endurance is lower than specified X X
Back to Back Writes 1.6.2 Repetitive writes may cause write/erase failures X -
Capture/Compare/PWM (CCP) PWM mode 1.7.1 Duty cycle values are incorrect X -
Signal Measurement Timer (SMT) Reset Bit 1.8.1 Module stops working if RST is set while prescaler setting is not zero X -
Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) Synchronous Mode Transmissions 1.9.1 Loss of second byte written in TXREG X -
Transmit mode 1.9.2 Double byte transmit X -
Watchdog Timer (WDT) Window Operation 1.10.1 Window feature of the WWDT does not operate correctly in DOZE mode X -
Note: Only those issues indicated in the last column apply to the current silicon revision.