4.3 Copy Certificates and Root CA

Copy from the Host:

With the SD card mounted on the host filesystem, untar certificates to the SD card.

Assuming the SD card partition 2 is mounted on /mnt and certificates were downloaded to the user “Download” directory, perform the following:

$ cd /mnt
$ cd greengrass
$ sudo tar -xzvf ~/Downloads/<certprefix>-setup.tar.gz
$ sudo cp ~/Downloads/AmazonRootCA1.pem certs/root.ca.pem

Certificates and Root CA are now on the SD card. Place the SD card into the SAMA5D27-WLSOM1-EK board and power it.

Log-in is root.

An alternative means to copy Certificates and Root CA from the Host to the target is to use the USB stick.

  • Plug the USB stick on the board.
  • On the target, type the following commands:
    # mkdir media
    # mount /dev/sda /media/
    # cd /greengrass/certs
    # cp /media/* .
    # umount /dev/sda
  • Unplug the USB stick.

As a result, all certificates including root.ca.pem should be on the target under greengrass/certs directory.

# indicates a command on the target.