3.2 Metrology Library and Core 1 Resources Usage

The application running on Core 0 must consider that the metrology library uses resources of the Core 1 (core and peripherals). These resources must not be used by the application running on Core 0. The main resources used by the metrology library are the following ones:

  • Core 1
  • SRAM1 and SRAM2
  • PWM peripheral
  • Energy Metering Analog Front-End (only in PIC32CXMTSH)
  • Multi-Channel Core 1 SPI
  • Certain GPIOs of the PORTD, like the ones associated to the pulse outputs PD17, PD18, PD19
Warning: Depending on the metrology library version, the resource usage could change, due to the implementation of new functionalities. Refer to the “PIC32CXMTx Metrology Data Sheet” for additional information.