5 Certification Requirements

The following documents list the allowed frequency bands for outdoor UWB communication in the USA and Europe:
  • For the USA, refer to FCC Regulations – Title 47 Part 15, i.e., Part 15.250
  • For Europe, refer to ETSI TR 103 181-3 V1.1.1 (2020-08)

The following figure summarizes the country-wise permissible frequency bands.

The ATA8352 device can be used for all shown countries within the specified frequency bands.
Figure 5-1. Certification Bands
These regulations also define the output power, duration of transmission and allowed out-of-band radiation of such devices within the permissible frequency band. To achieve this regulation requirements, the device supports the modeling of the pulse shape and to control the TX output power.
The pulse shape can be adjusted using register A15 for the ‘1’ symbol at f0-m and A16 for the ‘0’ symbol at f0+m (preceding figure). An example of such a pulse is shown in the following figure, and the generation of such pulses is described in section 3.1 of the ATA8352 Impulse-Radio Ultra-Wideband (IR-UWB) Transceiver User’s Guide (DS50003125). The pulse shaping adjusts the emitted signal bandwidth by changing the duration, dt, and controlling unwanted emissions by modeling the pulse shape. This adjustment depends on the design of the RF path, the usage of filters in the RF path and the antenna design.
Figure 5-2. Pulse Shape

The A14 register (TX PA register) with the parameter txpa_sel_pwr[3:0] can control the output power. The max. output power with txpa_sel_pwr[3:0] = 15 (‘1111’) defines a default setting, which can reduce in 16 steps. These settings allow adjustment the TX output power level.

An example for the regulation limits is shown in the following figure, which is specific to the USA and Europe. The power levels are defined with:
  • maximum mean EIRP spectral density: highest signal strength measured in any direction at any frequency within the defined range. The mean EIRP spectral density is measured with a 1 MHz resolution bandwidth, an RMS detector and an averaging time of 1 ms or less.
  • maximum peak EIRP: highest signal strength measured in any direction at any frequency within the defined range.

The peak EIRP is measured within a 50 MHz bandwidth centered on the frequency at which the highest mean radiated power occurs.

Figure 5-3. EIRP Emission Limits (Example: European Union) [5]
  1. Source: FCC Regulations – Title 47 Part 15, i.e., Part 15.250