Appendix J - Binding Layer Module API Reference

void qtm_binding_layer_init(qtm_control_t *qtm_control);
Purpose: This function internally executes the individual module initialization functions using the pointers. Based on the initialization output, init_complete_callback or the error_callback function is triggered. 
Input  : Pointer to binding layer container structure
Output : none
Notes  : none

void qtm_lib_start_acquisition(qtm_control_t *qtm_control);
Purpose: This function internally executes the “qtm_ptc_start_measurement_seq” function to start the measurement of sensors. The functions of multiple acquisition groups are executed sequentially. 
Input  : Pointer to binding layer container structure
Output : none
Notes  : none

touch_ret_t qtm_lib_acq_process(void)
Purpose: Executes the acquisition post process functions. The acquisition post process of multiple groups is executed sequentially according to the configuration. 
Input  : none
Output : Touch return status value
Notes  : none

touch_ret_t qtm_lib_post_process(void)
Purpose: Executes the individual module post processes. The sequence of post processes executed is based on the configuration of qtm_config_t
Input  : none
Output : Touch return status value
Notes  : none

qtm_control_t* qmt_get_binding_layer_ptr(void)
Purpose: Returns the pointer to the binding layer container structure
Input  : none
Output : pointer to the binding layer container
Notes  : none

uint16_t qtm_get_lib_state(void)
Purpose: Returns the binding layer state
Input  : none
Output : Module state
Notes  : none

uint16_t qtm_get_binding_layer_module_id(void)
Purpose: Returns the module ID
Input  : none
Output : Module ID
Notes  : none

uint8_t qtm_get_binding_layer_module_ver(void)
Purpose: Returns the module Firmware version
Input  : none
Output : Module ID - Upper nibble major / Lower nibble minor
Notes  : none