2.3.3 Jupyter Notebook Basics

Using the ML SDK with Jupyter® Notebook is recommended. For more information on Jupyter Notebook, you can find the Jupyter Notebook documentation at https://docs.jupyter.org/en/latest/.

  1. Install Jupyter Notebook using pip in a terminal window:

    pip install notebook
  2. Start a Jupyter Notebook server by running the following command in a terminal window:

    jupyter notebook
  3. This loads Jupyter Notebook in a browser window:

  4. Create a new notebook by clicking New>Python <version>.

Jupyter Notebook Shortcuts

If you have not used Jupyter notebooks before, the following keyboard shortcuts are useful:

  • Run a cell: SHIFT + ENTER

  • Auto-complete: Press tab at any time while typing a function/command and the ML SDK will give you all available options.