Serial Clock and Word Select Generation
The generation of clocks in the I2SMCC is described in the following figure.
In Client mode, the word select clock is driven by an external host and the serial clock is driven by either an external host or the internal clock circuitry. I2SMCC_CK and I2SMCC_WS pins are inputs.
In Host mode, the user configures the host clock, serial clock, and word select clock through the I2SMCC_MRA. I2SMCC_MCK, I2SMCC_CK, and I2SMCC_WS pins are outputs, MCK and CK frequencies are configured independently using I2SMCC_MRA.IMCKDIV and I2SMCC_MRA.ISCKDIV, respectively.
If a host clock output is not required, the MCK clock is used as I2SMCC_CK by clearing I2SMCC_MRA.IMCKMODE.
The I2SMCC_WS pin is used as word select in I2S format and as frame synchronization in TDM format, as described in I2S Reception and Transmission Sequence and TDM Reception and Transmission Sequence, respectively.