DMA Channel QoS
- Each channel QoS is configured through a 2-bit wide register: XDMAC_CNDC[channel number].qos.
- The 2-bit XDMAC_CNDC[channel
number].qos value is duplicated to form a 4-bit bus that connects XDMAs to the UDDRC
through the interconnect, therefore not all 4-bit QoS values are available.
Possible values = {0, 0x5, 0xA, 0xF}.
- The XDMAC_CNDC[channel number].qos is only used by the following DMA
- Read New Descriptor
- Write Last Burst of Data before Reading New Descriptor
- For all other DMA transfers, the 4-bit QOS is 0 (lowest priority).
Register fields:
- XDMAC_CNDC[channel_number].qos = 3 for channel_number in [31:0] for XDMA0
- XDMAC_CNDC[channel_number].qos = 3 for channel_number in [31:0] for XDMA1
- XDMAC_CNDC[channel_number].qos = 0 for channel_number in [7:0] for XDMA2