Configuration Procedure
Before configuring the asynchronous partial wake-up function of a peripheral, check that the PIDx bit in PMC_CSR is set. This ensures that the peripheral clock is enabled.
The steps to enable the asynchronous partial wake-up function of a peripheral are the following:
- Check that PMC_SLPWKCR.ASR is set to ‘0’. This ensures that the peripheral has no activity in progress.
- Enable the asynchronous partial wake-up function of the peripheral by writing a ‘1’ to PMC_SLPWK_ER.SLPWKSR.
- Check that PMC_SLPWKCR.ASR is set to '0'. This ensures that no
activity has started during the enable phase.
If PMC_SLPWKCR.ASR=1, proceed to the next step.
If PMC_SLPWKCR.ASR=0, Asynchronous Partial Wake-up mode is active for the peripheral. Before entering ULP1 mode, check that the AIP bit in the PMC Asynchronous Partial Wake-Up Activity In Progress register (PMC_SLPWK_AIPR) is cleared. This ensures that the peripheral has no activity in progress due to a reactivation.
- In PMC_SLPWKCR, asynchronous partial wake-up must be immediately disabled by writing a ‘0’ to SLPWKSR. Wait for the end of peripheral activity before reinitializing the procedure.