7.4 Power-up/down Sequence

The power-up/down sequence for ATWINC15x0-MR210xB is shown in the following figure. The timing parameters are shown in the following table.

Figure 7-1. Power Up/Down Sequence
Table 7-2. Power-up/down Sequence Timing
tA0msVBATT rise to VDDIO riseVBATT and VDDIO can rise simultaneously or can be tied together. VDDIO must not rise before VBATT.
tB0msVDDIO rise to CHIP_EN riseCHIP_EN must not rise before VDDIO. CHIP_EN must be driven high or low, not left floating.
tC5msCHIP_EN rise to RESETN riseThis delay is needed because the XO clock must stabilize before RESETN removal. RESETN must be driven high or low, not left floating.
tA’0msVDDIO fall to VBATT fallVBATT and VDDIO can fall simultaneously or can be tied together. VBATT must not fall before VDDIO.
tB’0msCHIP_EN fall to VDDIO fallVDDIO must not fall before CHIP_EN. CHIP_EN and RESETN can fall simultaneously.
tC’0msRESETN fall to VDDIO fallVDDIO must not fall before RESETN. RESETN and CHIP_EN can fall simultaneously.