1.2 Window Mode

When the WDT is used in Window mode, it uses two different timeout periods: a closed window timeout period (TOWDTW) and the normal WDT timeout period (TOWDT). The first defines a period from 8ms to 8s where the WDT cannot be Reset. If the WDT is Reset in this period the WDT will cause a system Reset. The normal WDT timeout period, which is also 8ms to 8s, defines the duration of the open period, in which the WDT can (and should) be Reset. The open period will always follow the closed period, and thus the total duration of the WDT timeout is the sum of the windowed and the normal timeouts. The closed and open periods used in Window mode are illustrated in Figure 1-2.

Figure 1-2. Timely and Early Watchdog Timer Reset in Window Mode