Upon successfully establishing a connection, Microchip PCAP Utility Tool populates the connected tools in the list. Selecting the tool will display its complete details in the “Tool Information” field.Figure 5-1. Tool Connection and Selection
Configuration and Capture Initiation
The user can configure the connected tools with specific settings like Baudrate, Channel and Channel Page using Tool Configuration. To initiate packet capture, click the Start Capture button.Figure 5-2. Start Capture
Monitoring and Analysis
Upon initiation of packet capture, the “Event Logs” field dynamically updates with details like packet capture count and selected settings. Wireshark is launched simultaneously, presenting an in-depth analysis of the captured packets. The interface ID provides the user with the device name and the channel number where the packets are captured from.Figure 5-3. Monitoring Logs in Microchip PCAP Utility Tool
Figure 5-4. Monitoring and Analyzing Packets in Wireshark
Capture Management
The Capture sessions can be paused, resumed or run simultaneously from multiple connected tools. The “Event Logs” field keeps the user updated on all activities:
Red markers indicate stopped captures.
Green markers indicate active captures.
All captured data is automatically saved in the output directory set via the Microchip PCAP Utility Tool.Figure 5-5. Capture Management
The online versions of the documents are provided as a courtesy. Verify all content and data in the device’s PDF documentation found on the device product page.