1.3.1 Acquire the U-HSM Components

HSM hardware modules are purchased directly from Microchip. Every module comes with the components described in section Security World and HSM Modules.

The following is a list of the U-HSM components. Figure 1-7 provides a high level flow view.

  • nShield Edge or Solo HSM Module
    • Module
    • Card reader (Solo module only. Edge module has integrated card reader)
    • Mounting hardware for regular and compact desktop form factors (Solo module only)
    • Set of Security World cards
    • Activator card (additional licensing features can be provided in a separate file)
  • Warrant File in KLF format (created by nCipher, supplied by Microchip or requested from nCipher support)
  • Licensing File (created and provided by Microchip after a Security World UUID is issued and serial number of the HSM module(s) is known)
  • User provides PC with supported operating systems installed (see section System Requirements)
Figure 1-7. Acquiring U-HSM Parts