1.16 PWM Generation

This example shows how to use the PWM peripheral to generate 3-phase PWM signals with dead time.


This example shows how to configure the PWM to generate synchronous 3-phase PWM signals with dead time (used for motor control). The duty cycle of the PWM is updated in the interrupt handler.

Downloading and Building the Application

To clone or download this application from Github, go to the main page of this repository and then click Clone button to clone this repository or download as zip file. This content can also be downloaded using content manager by following these instructions.

Path of the application within the repository is apps/pwm/pwm_synchronous_channels/firmware.

To build the application, refer to the following table and open the project using its IDE.

Project NameDescription
pic32cz_ca70_curiosity_ultra.XMPLABX project for PIC32CZ CA70 Curiosity Ultra Development Kit

Setting Up the Hardware

The following table shows the target hardware for the application projects.

Project NameDescription
pic32cz_ca70_curiosity_ultra.XPIC32CZ CA70 Curiosity Ultra Development Kit

Setting Up PIC32CZ CA70 Ultra Curiosity Development Kit

  • Connect the Debug USB port on the board to the computer using a micro USB cable

Running the Application

  1. Build and Program the application using their respective IDEs
  2. Observe the high-side and low-side PWM waveforms on the oscilloscope
  3. Observe the dead time between the high side and low side

Refer to the below table for PWM output pins for different boards:

PWM ChannelPIC32CZ CA70 Curiosity Ultra Development Kit
CH0_PWMHPA00 (Pin 7 of EXT1)
CH0_PWMLPA19 (Pin 4 of EXT1)
CH1_PWMHPA02 (Pin 9 of EXT2)
CH1_PWMLPD25 (Pin 15 of EXT1)
CH2_PWMHPC19 (Pin 7 of EXT2)
CH2_PWMHPD26 (Pin 8 of EXT2)