2.1 Pin Details of WILCS02IC

This section provides details on pin diagrams and the pinout table of WILCS02IC.
Figure 2-2. WILCS02IC Pin Diagram
  1. Thermal Ground Pad is located on the opposite side (bottom view).
Table 2-1. WILCS02IC Pinout Table
Pin NumberPin NamePin TypeDescription
1PMU_VDDIO/ PMU_VDDCPInput power supply to the on-chip PMU I/O and PMU Core section (3.0-3.6V, 3.3V typical)

1.5V input supply voltage

Connect to 1.5V on-chip PMU output


SDIO, Command

Connect to the SDIO command of the host device

SPI1, Serial Clock

Connect to the SPI Clock of the host device


SDIO, Clock

Connect to the SDIO clock of the host device

Used for external antenna calibration

Connect this signal to a test point or a pin header


SDIO, Data0

Connect to the SDIO data0 of the host device


SPI1, Serial Data Out

Connect to the Serial Data In of the host device


SDIO Data 1

Connect to the SDIO data1 of the host device


SPI1 Chip Select (Active-low)

Connect to the Chip Select of the host device

7VDDIOPInput supply voltage to I/O Port (3.0-3.6V, 3.3V typical)

SDIO, Data 2

Connect to the SDIO data2 of the host device

SPI1, Serial Data In

Connect to Serial Data Out of the host device


SDIO Data 3

Connect to the SDIO data3 of the host device


Used for external antenna calibration

Connect this signal to a test point or a pin header

10INTOUTOInterrupt request (Active-low) from the Wi-Fi® device
11UART2_TXOUART2 Transmit signal to print the firmware debug log
12ReservedI/OReserved pin, do not connect
13ReservedI/OReserved pin, do not connect
14VDD33PInput supply voltage for the Main Power Domain (3.0-3.6V, 3.3V typical)

1.5V input supply voltage to the RF internal SPI logic block

Connect to 1.5V on-chip PMU output


1.5V input supply voltage to RF Analog Front-End

Connect to 1.5V on-chip PMU output


1.5V input supply voltage to primary oscillator section

Connect to 1.5V on-chip PMU output

18XTL_INI40 MHz primary oscillator crystal input
19XTL_OUTO40 MHz primary oscillator crystal output
20SYN_SD_VDD15P1.5V input supply voltage to RF Synthesizer/SD

Connect to 1.5V on-chip PMU output


1.5V Input supply voltage to RF Synthesizer/PLL

Connect to 1.5V on-chip PMU output


1.5V input supply voltage to RF Synthesizer/VCO

Connect to 1.5V on-chip PMU output


1.5V input supply voltage to the RFIP Front-End and internal SPI logic block

Connect to 1.5V on-chip PMU output


1.5V input supply voltage to RF IQ Mixer/RXR

Connect to 1.5V on-chip PMU output


1.5V input supply voltage to LNA stage-2

Connect to 1.5V on-chip PMU output


1.5V input supply voltage to LNA stage-1

Connect to 1.5V on-chip PMU output

27TRS_RFI/ORF transmit/receive
28TXR_HPA_VDD33PInput power supply to High-Power Amplifier (HPA) on the Transmitter (3.0-3.6V, 3.3V typical)
30TXR_PPA_VDD33PInput power supply to Pre-Power Amplifier (PPA) on the Transmitter (3.0-3.6V, 3.3V typical)

1.5V input supply voltage to RF Upconvertor Mixer/TXR

Connect to 1.5V on-chip PMU output


1.5V input supply voltage to RF Base Band section

Connect to 1.5V on-chip PMU output

33MSB_EXTRA_48KORF calibration resistor, connect a pull-down resistor of 48.7K with 1% tolerance
34DFU_RX/STRAP1I/ODevice Firmware Update, receive signal
Host interface configuration strapping1 pin. Connect to a pulled-low resistor of 100K for the SDIO interface or pulled-high resistor of 10K for the SPI.
35DFU_TX/STRAP2I/ODevice Firmware Update, transmit signal
Host interface configuration strapping2 pin. Connect to a pulled-high resistor of 10K for future upgrades.
36MCLRIMaster Clear Reset Input (Active low)
37AVDDPInput power supply to Analog Block (3.0-3.6V, 3.3V typical)

Reserved pin

Connect to an I/O pin (tri-stated) of a host device or to an external switch for future use.

39RTCC_OSC_OUT(4)O32.768 KHz RTCC oscillator output
40RTCC_OSC_IN/PTA_BT_ACTIVE(3)(4)I32.768 KHz RTCC Oscillator input
PTA interface, Bluetooth® Coexistence device active indication input to WILCS02IC
41VDD33PInput supply voltage for the Main Power Domain (3.0-3.6V, 3.3V typical)
42PTA_BT_PRIOIPTA interface, Bluetooth Coexistence device priority indication input to WILCS02IC.
43PTA_WLAN_ACTIVEOPTA interface, WILCS02IC WLAN active indication output to Bluetooth Coexistence device
44ReservedI/OReserved pin

Do not connect.

45VDD33PInput supply voltage for the Main Power Domain (3.0-3.6V, 3.3V typical)
46PMU_MLDO_OUT(2)P1.5V output of on-chip PMU MLDO
47PMU_VDDPPInput power supply to the on-chip PMU (3.0-3.6V, 3.3V typical)

1.5V output of on-chip PMU Buck Regulator

Connect to an external LC filter (L = 4.7 uH and C = 10 uF)

49GNDPThermal ground paddle
  1. Refer to the reference design package for exact pin mapping and signal connection.
  2. Do not connect any signal to source the voltage as this is for internal purposes only.
  3. The WILCS02IC can support either RTCC_OSC_IN or PTA_BT_ACTIVE functionality at a time, so either RTCC or PTA feature can be used.
  4. Current firmware does not support the Real Time Clock Calendar (RTCC) Oscillator function; it is recommended to have an option to mount the RTCC Oscillator in the design to upgrade with the future version of firmware releases.
  5. For more details, refer to the WILCS02 Module External Antenna Calibration Guide (DS50003751).
  6. Do not leave this pin unconnected. Follow as described in the Pin Description column for future upgrade.