SAM/PIC32C JTAG Pinout (Cortex®-M debug connector)

SAM/PIC32C JTAG pin names and descriptions are shown in the table below. Pin numbers are shown for MPLAB PICkit 5 direct connection and Debugger Adapter Board 10-pin and 20-pin connections.

Table 3-3. SAM/PIC32C JTAG Pins and Descriptions
MPLAB PICkit 5 Pin Adapter Board (10-Pin) Pin Adapter Board (20-Pin) Pin Name Description
8 2 7 TMS Test Mode Select (control signal from the MPLAB PICkit 5 into the target device).
6 7 2,3,9,11,17,19 NC/AUX Recommended as not connected.
5 4 9 TCK Test Clock (clock signal from the MPLAB PICkit 5 into the target device).
4 8 5 TDO Test Data Out (data transmitted from the target device into the MPLAB PICkit 5).
3 3, 5, 9 4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20 GND Ground. All must be connected to ensure that the MPLAB PICkit 5 and the target device share the same ground reference.
2 1 1 VDD\VTG* VDD: MPLAB PICkit 5 providing power to target (optional) or target providing power to MPLAB PICkit 5 (PTG)

VTG: Voltage target reference. The MPLAB PICkit 5 samples the target voltage on this pin in order to power the level converters correctly. The MPLAB PICkit 5 draws less than 3mA from this pin in this mode.

1 10 15 MCLR Reset (optional). Used to reset the target device. Connecting this pin is recommended since it allows the MPLAB PICkit 5 to hold the target device in a reset state, which can be essential to debugging in certain scenarios.
7 6 13 TDI Test Data In (data transmitted from the MPLAB PICkit 5 into the target device).
* Remember to include a decoupling capacitor between this pin and GND. See AN4451: SAMA5D2 Hardware Design Considerations.